

Student-Led Workshops: Breaking Virtual Learning Barriers

It is undeniable that this pandemic can be a barrier and limitation to students, most especially those taking hospitality courses, in having opportunities to participate and take part in live tastings and workshops. The IHM Special Projects Team in collaboration with the Enderun Food and Wine Society (EFWS) were able to organize an event where individuals can gain knowledge and hone their skills in the areas of coffee, wine, and mixology without leaving the comfort of their own homes. Participants were encouraged to follow along the workshops with their own equipment or opt to purchase them from EFWS.


FRESHMAN MIXER 2021: How You Doin

The start of the school year is an exciting time for any freshman. They’re presented with the prospect of new environments, new people, and new opportunities. But because of the pandemic, meeting new people and interacting with the community has proven to be a challenging task. For this reason, the IHM Special Projects Team, decided to host the Freshman Mixer over Zoom last September 27, 2021. The event aimed to give freshmen the opportunity to meet and interact with their batchmates.