Heartfelt Student-led Initiatives of Enderun

The unexpected global pandemic caught everyone by surprise. Without prior notice, all of us had to adjust our lifestyles regardless of what our normal used to be. Some of us adjusted easily and well, but that, unfortunately, does not apply to everyone.
Thus, various student-led projects from the Enderun community arose to assist those in need. Not everyone has the privilege to comfortably work in the safety and comfort of their homes. These initiatives have especially geared their services towards the members of the Enderun community who were affected by the new set-up. Two student-led projects─Project Pangkabuhayan and Project Pasko─delightfully lit up the year-end for its benefactors.
Project Pangkabuhayan
Project Pangkabuhayan is an initiative led by Sophia Aquino and her fellow Enderun Leadership Program members. Rather than simply giving financial assistance to its beneficiaries, the project handled the logistics and training needed to help them jumpstart and sustain their businesses.
Initially, two types of businesses were proposed: a sari-sari store and a street food stall. The project chose two beneficiaries that were willing to open, operate, and sustain their sari-sari stores. After evaluation based on criteria and interviews were done, Ms. Mary Avena and Mr. Danilo Bautista were finalized as the beneficiaries.
Project Pangkabuhayan began in early November and concluded in the middle of December 2020. The project’s donation goal of PhP 15,000.00 was achieved on the 29th of November, and the chosen beneficiaries were given their business training simultaneously. Both Enderun professors and ELP members dedicated an hour a week for four weeks to train the beneficiaries regarding the essentials needed to sustain their businesses. There were training sessions dedicated to bookkeeping, safe food handling, and the basics of running a business.
After the training sessions, the sari-sari store packages were handed over to the beneficiaries. The package included materials for the operation of the business itself and the goods to be sold. Not only did the beneficiaries receive startup materials, but they also gained valuable business knowledge.

Project Pasko
Another year-end project is Enderun Leadership Program’s Project Pasko. With Udenna Corporation as its main sponsor, along with the generous donors gathered online, the group was able to raise funds and distribute Noche Buena packages to both Enderun employees and members of the community in Ecoville, Cagayan de Oro. The packages had two versions due to the availability of items in their respective places. The pack for Enderun employees distributed in Quezon City included a spaghetti bundle, fruit cocktail, meat (corned beef, sausage, and meat loaf), pancake mix, oil, and a drink. The Ecoville pack had holiday ham, a spaghetti bundle, and a liter of juice. Both packs were priced at around PhP400 and through the PhP 99,112.00 raised from the monetary donations, 230 families were provided with goods for their evening celebrations.
These projects led by the students show that there is more value to acting with compassion and care rather than simply preaching it. May these student-led projects inspire us all to continue living with empathy and act with kindness towards everyone around us, especially those in our communities.