How to Make An Eye-Catching Resume

Do you need help in making a resume? Or are you unsure of what a resume is? If you answered yes to either of those questions, this article is for you. A resume is a document filled with your academic history and information. This is what employers will ask from you as you apply for a job or internship.
Even with a LinkedIn profile, a resume is required since this document is the first step to getting a job. This is why your resume must stand out. A good resume will show the employer what you can bring to the company. If your resume catches their eye, you will be able to get an interview and hopefully land a job. When making a resume, there are five important things you must remember and follow.
Firstly, you will be needing a good format as your base. The format includes a proper font like Garamond or Lora, no picture, 10-12 font size, a margin of 1.5 inches, and headers in bold letters with a font size of 12-14. You may type your name in bold letters. As for the paper itself, there are plenty of format options readily available for you in apps like Pages & Google Docs.
The next part of the resume is the most important. This part is your information section which includes your address, email, phone number, and professional summary. Once you start typing, avoid putting unprofessional emails and full addresses. Put your name on the left side of the paper, with your summarized address underneath. On the right side put your phone number and email. You may also provide your LinkedIn profile underneath your phone number.
Next is to put a professional summary. This may include how many years you have been a staff member, or what titles you have been given throughout the years. Be specific with the descriptions of each detail about your history. You may even put the department and branch you worked in. If you have no professional history just yet, you may move on to writing your career goals or objectives. This is a brief explanation of what you aspire to do with a combination of what you have already done. An example would be: “”I aspire to be a ___ with the ___ skills I have. I aim to extend better care to my clients through more experience in this company.””
After, you may now write the skills you have gained throughout the years. This may be written in bullet form or you may write it in paragraph form. If you choose the bullet format, it is advised that it be not written with percentages. You may just write it down as is. If it will be in paragraph form, you may describe what you were tasked to do which made you learn these skills. Describe and name each project you were involved in. An example would be: “Video Editing Created multiple videos for the organization named ____, and filmed and edited a short film titled “Ilaw” which gained 30k YouTube views. As long as it is in chronological order or a sequence easily understood, your format should be alright.
Depending on the job you are applying for, do your research on what skills that position needs. If it is a managerial position, highlight your leadership and customer service skills. If you have other interests that you believe are relevant to your job, then you may add those underneath your skills.
Next is to write your education history and achievements. You are advised to write this in bullet form, but you may also write it in paragraph form if you would like to summarize both your history and achievements at the same time. Do remember to put the full name of the organization, school, competitions, titles, and years that you served. You may put your efficiency percentage. An example of this would be: “In 2019 I was elected president of the student council. During the family fair, we earned 2% more than last year’s fair with the help of the projects I headed together with my council.” With this, they will be able to see all the details related to your highlights. Remember to always use layman’s terms so the person reading your resume will easily understand all that you’ve written.
If you are satisfied so far with all the information you have provided, you may ask a friend or family member to proofread your work. Always make sure your spelling, abbreviations, and grammar are perfect. If you have no one to help you out with this matter, you may use Grammarly and other free apps online. With this extra effort, you will be able to send in your resume confidently.
In conclusion, a radiant resume is a concise and descriptive resume all about you.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2019, January). How To Make A Comprehensive Resume (With Examples). Retrieved from
Retrieved from Kalish A. (2020, October). Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Perfect Resume (With Examples!).
Retrieved from Nazaruk A. (2022, August). 50 Best Resume Tips 2022: Great Tricks and Writing Advice.