Batch 2024: The Story

They come across the stage not only as graduates, but also as symbols of a journey marked by passion, solidarity, and an unwavering desire to create the remarkable. Batch 2024, a dynamic group of 50 soon-to-be alumni, leaves a legacy that will be remembered in the school’s halls for years.

This issue continues into the heart of Batch 2024, showcasing their stories through the eyes of their leader—Execomm President Paula Juan. As we go through the events that became the year’s highlights, including the bi-annual Titans’ Week and the 2024 Tan Hua Promenade, we get a true glimpse of the Batch’s spirit and the narrative they leave with at Enderun Colleges.

But beyond all of the flash and glamor lies a tale of perseverance. Paula openly discusses the challenges of leadership, the delicate dance of balancing obligations, and the invaluable lessons learned along their Senior High School expedition.

Who is Batch 2024?

Paula describes the early struggle of a small executive committee (ExeComm) with a pile of tasks. She found herself asking, ‘What exactly is the solution?’ Her team concocted the creation of the central committee, an extension of authority in which everyone could contribute their expertise. This sense of inclusion became a defining feature of Batch 2024. “Everyone put their capabilities and skills on the table,” adds Paula, emphasizing the collaborative effort that made their events successful.

Batch 2024 is more than just another graduation class. They form a collection of stories about resilience and companionship. Paula Juan, the student council president, and her dedicated executive committee of six have overcome several hurdles to make this year exceptional. Despite a lack of early workforce, the team has innovatively enlarged manpower by building a central committee, ensuring a smoother implementation of activities.

Defining Moments

The Prom Night stands out as a testament to their teamwork and meticulous organization. Paula shares the excitement of surveying the batch to determine if they want an indoor or outdoor setting. The hunt itself was a test of resourcefulness: identifying the ideal location, staying within a constrained budget, and gaining backing from the school administration. However, when prom night finally arrived, the payout was spectacular. “Seeing everyone’s posts about it the next day,” Paula recalls, “brought a huge relief, but at the same time, immense pride.

Leader’s Growth

Paula’s service as president went beyond event management. It was a personal journey of leadership. Her brother’s advice—”You were still whole as you were before“—became a guiding principle. She learned that leadership thrives on service, not self-importance. I needed to set aside my personal interests,” Paula confesses, emphasizing the value of balancing her role and well-being.

Ms. Cherry’s birthday was an especially memorable occasion. The batch surprised their favorite Principal with cake, treats and a bucket of good wishes. However, the actual highlight arrived later. All of Batch 2024 served present for a surprise party. Paula took comfort in the unified gesture made by her batchmates. “It was a beautiful reminder,” she said.

From Above: Received Photo of Batch 2024 at an External Event

Words of Wisdom: The Finale

As the school year ends, the culminating journey of Batch 2024 can be recounted in three words: anticipated, united, and spectacular. Through organizations such as Enderun Unmuted and Enderun Digest, as well as the support of the Enderun Vlogging Team, Batch 2024 has impacted Enderun in ways that remain touching. Their efforts paid off in a series of outstanding events they can be proud of. Similar to Paula’s experiences, numerous graduates are marked by periods of self-doubt and success. But, what makes the SHS Batch 2024 exemplify in life is their fortitude.

The desire to persevere has been instilled in these graduates and will carry them as they move forward. In the sea of uncertainty, their story as Enderun Titans is one interwoven with opportunity. Yet, the 2024 SHS Graduates look beyond and see the chance for accomplishment as a chance for connection.

The tale of Batch 2024 is more than an article. It is a message to our aspiring leaders and societal influencers that in every action they take, there must remain the consideration for the whole.

In their own right, Batch 2024 is composed of headstrong leaders. While they may enter spaces that will create confusion, their time at Enderun Colleges and their time with their Batch will remind them that there is potential in amalgamation. And in faith, there is hope for a better tomorrow.

In her own words, Paula provides a piece of wisdom that she values: “See you on the other side.” The simple yet profound quote encapsulates INK’s hopes for the 2024 batch. That, whatever path they lead— may it lead to fulfillment.

For more of Senior-Send Off : Check out the whole INK Magazine here

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