How To Approach Toxic Relationship

Being in a relationship is one of the beautiful things that an individual can experience. That is, until it slowly becomes toxic, and you choose to stay without realizing that it could lead to losing your self-worth.
A toxic relationship is when you can’t be yourself anymore, hindering you from becoming genuinely happy. In this case, you experience more negative emotions than positive emotions because your partner fails to become the kind of person that they promised you they would be. A toxic relationship has a toxic person who usually does the following: doesn’t support your goals in life, doesn’t trust you enough, and doesn’t give you respect. Although disputes in a relationship are normal to a certain extent, please pay attention to whether your relationship has caused you more harm than good, seriously affecting your emotional and mental health. If all the red flags are present in your relationship, have the strength and courage to walk away from the things that you don’t deserve and things that hold you back from growing as an individual. However, if you believe that there’s still a chance for your relationship to be restored, then don’t just walk away without exerting any effort to fix what’s broken. But if your partner refuses to meet you halfway, then you know it’s time to let go.
Sylvester McNutt III, one of the best-selling authors in the US, said that “We end up in toxic relationships because we don’t stand up for ourselves early on when the red flags occur. We let them slide because we fear losing a companion.” This statement is very powerful, and it’s worth keeping in mind because it describes the beginnings of a toxic relationship and how people end up in such a troubling situation.
To move forward and to create healthier relationships with people, everything starts by you choosing to know your worth and love yourself. When you know your worth, you won’t allow others to treat you half-heartedly. When you learn to love yourself, then you can love others. Another helpful key to a healthy relationship is allowing each other to grow individually and helping your partner to be the person they want to be. Support each other’s goals and learn to compromise as not everything goes your way. There are a lot of things that we can do to create a healthier relationship. Before fixing the problem, try to find the source first to know which part you should work on. Most importantly, remember that the people in our lives should be a source of reducing stress and not cause more of it.