Welcome, and Welcome Back!

A warm welcome back to campus, Titans!
We are all ecstatic to say that we are finally returning to the norm, albeit we now have a few new protocols that we need to follow to keep everyone safe. It has been a long two years full of doing everything online: classes, making new friends, events, meetings, and more. Nothing is better than seeing our community of Titan students and staff back on campus together.
The pandemic has taken a massive toll on our lives, but despite this, there is so much hope that this new semester will be fruitful, bringing new opportunities for students and challenging us to overcome any hardships we encounter. It’s going to be great to finally meet all our friends in real life and get to experience college life with them.
Moreover, now that we can finally have campus events, who else is looking forward to seeing what RSO week will be like and what the different school organizations will bring? Since it’s just right around the corner, everyone is excited to see the events happening during the RSO week.
A mix of Juniors and Freshmen shared their insights on what it’s been like going to campus and their thoughts about it. Surprisingly, most of the students preferred to have their classes stay hybrid even though they have attended classes on campus. “[I experienced] culture shock as I was used to the online setting,” one student said. I feel as though many students, especially those who haven’t gotten the chance to experience campus life and meet their friends face-to-face, will definitely go through this.
The students had mixed feelings about being back on campus, with positive comments such as, “It feels great to finally see my classmates face-to-face and to be able to bond with them in a way I can’t do online”. And it “feels really good to be a student attending face-to-face classes after years of online classes and just facing a screen”. However, there are still struggles that the students face now that we can come to campus for classes, such as “the transport, and also the schedule since we’re doing hybrid, it’s not fully face-to-face, and it’s hard to go on and off the campus”. And “no proper classroom assignment during the first few weeks of classes.”
Some students felt that Enderun Colleges needed to improve on a few things regarding face-to-face classes, such as “providing greater resources for transitioning” and having a “forum on [the students’] thoughts regarding face-to-face classes [to] recognize pain points that can be improved”. With this feedback, it would be good to also remember that this is only the beginning, and we should all help out when Enderun asks how they can improve to help students assimilate better to being back on campus. Together, we can all look forward to how the Enderun way will improve in the upcoming months!
As we begin this new semester together, everyone needs to understand that we need to be responsible enough to follow all the protocols and guidelines set by Enderun Colleges. We need to work together to make sure that we have a fruitful and safe school year.
Stay safe, Titans, and see you on campus!