ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education


Enderun Unmuted: Women’s Month Series Pt. 1 Podcast

In this week’s episode, we talk about leadership and empowerment together with our guests, the Presidents of Senior High School’s student organizations and Executive Committee: Alyssa Diaz, Ivy Escario, and Beatrice Yap! They all share their experiences, their journey to becoming a student leader, along with a few life lessons and advice to all the future leaders out there.


Insightful and Heartwarming: The Hush Society Presents Book Review

When I got assigned to do a book review for The Hush Society Presents, I was shocked and intimidated to say the least. I had no idea what this book was about and it is not something that I usually read. I wasn’t able to read the summary before reading the first chapter. I started without having any idea, impressions, or expectations.


Enderun Unmuted: Getting to Know Sir G! Podcast

Introducing the newest member of the Enderun Community who is none other than the Vice Principal of Enderun’s Senior High School, Sir Richard Galian. This episode is all about getting to know more about Sir Richard Galian. Where he shares his stories, interests, and of course how he ended up in Enderun.


Coping with Stress and Anxiety During Pandemic

It’s been a while since quarantine was implemented, and who would’ve thought that it would last for more than a year? In light of the effects of COVID-19 such as stress and anxiety, a health webinar that focused on mental health was held online for the Enderun community last month by Dr. Johann Legaspi. In the webinar, it was discussed that the effects of COVID-19 impacted the 3 pillars of health: autonomy, competence and connectedness. Dr. Legaspi mentioned during the webinar that in China, the number of people filing for a divorce rose as soon as the quarantine was lifted, and at the same time, the number of people wanting to get married increased for up to 300%. There are pros and cons of the pandemic. People either felt closer to each other or grew apart.


Becoming a Leader with Simon Casson

On the 18th of March, the Enderun students had the opportunity to listen to a profound and intellectual conversation about the hospitality industry during the webinar, “Changing Seasons: Innovating the Hospitality Industry with Simon Casson”, hosted by Mr. Jack Tuason, and held by the Office of Career Services. The guest speaker, Mr. Simon Casson, is the President of Hotel Operations at the Four Seasons managing properties in Europe to the Middle East and in Africa. Mr. Casson shared his journey in the Four Seasons, discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the hospitality industry, and advised the younger generations to grow their skills, embark on a journey of self evaluation, become leaders, and keep positive


Relationship Attachments: Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Truly, no man is an island—we all get involved in relationships no matter what. As part of Enderun’s Student Life Week, Sir James Franco, one of Enderun’s guidance counselors and professors, elaborates on the dimensions of how we act and get attached to the relationships in our lives.