Welcome New Titans!

The beginning of a new school year is finally upon us. This means new Enderun students arriving for both college and senior high school. One of the most daunting experiences in life is starting school in a completely new environment. Having to meet new faces, new professors and start a new beginning. Everything feels overwhelming in the beginning but thankfully the Enderun Student Government was there to help all the new Enderun Titans feel more settled through the New Student’s Orientation. Despite the orientation having to be held virtually due to the pandemic, the NSO organizers and facilitators had worked extremely hard to make the 2-day event as fun and memorable as it could be.
The theme for the first day of the program was Pokémon and we were welcomed by the students in their Pokémon-themed get-ups and backgrounds. The main host, Mikaela Lopez, greeted the new students warmly and explained the mechanics to everyone. The students were put in their respective groups beforehand and had two student facilitators who guided them throughout the event. There were multitudes of different missions that the students had to complete in their breakout rooms and compete to finish first against the other groups. The games were filled with excitement, competitiveness, and lots of fun. One of the most unforgettable moments during the program was the interactions between the students when they were making their very own Enderun Titans Cheer.
The program was then followed by the opening remarks of Dean Ed Rodriguez. As stated by Dean Ed, studying in Enderun is “a very different kind of experience” incomparable to other schools. Dean Ed mentioned that Enderun specifically selected only certain industries wherein the students can make a difference and where they could be leaders. He also mentioned that the programmes that Enderun offers are partnered up with universities that are very distinguished and recognized for that same program all around the world. Furthermore, he stated that Enderun had a “rich portfolio of industry partners” in the private sectors and that the students can look forward to these partnerships for future mentorship, internships and job prospects. The students should also look forward to the fact that Enderun professors are full-time practitioners and they teach from their own experiences. Furthermore, Enderun prides itself by always having an international student body and as Dean Ed stated, we should, “learn global cultures not outside of school but inside school”. Lastly, Dean Ed reminds us not to be “multi-disciplinary” wherein we should not limit our education to our department only. We should be open-minded and be interested in learning different topics to further broaden our knowledge. Dean Ed stated that these 8 key components are what gives the students of Enderun a different kind of school experience.
Dean Ed’s opening remarks were truly inspiring. We should be striving to learn skills that we will inevitably need when we leave college. We should be doing our utmost best and putting all our efforts into getting used to this new online set-up that is here to stay.
Lastly, the programme introduced various organizations such as the Entrepreneurs Society, AXIS, Spectrum, INK Enderun, Zonta and many more. Moreover, the Enderun sports teams were also given the spotlight to introduce themselves and welcome the new athletes
The final day of the program consisted of various departments of Enderun who introduced themselves such as the Guidance and Counselling Department, the Office of Career Services and many more. They gave a very brief introduction on what their department was all about and how the students can contact them. The students also had the chance to interact and chat with the professors from their respective chosen courses. Lastly, in the final part of the program, Sir Jack Tuason held a toast that marked the start of a new beginning for the new Enderun Titans.
We thank the Enderun Student Government, the student volunteers and everyone who contributed that made this NSO possible. We sincerely hope that all the new students have a great time here in Enderun and we hope to see everyone on campus soon.
Stay safe and good luck in your future endeavours, Titans!