RSO Fair Week: The Act of Giving and Learning

One of the most highly anticipated events of Enderun is back! Last September 27 to October 1, 2021 we had our RSO Fair Week where different organizations prepared events for our students. For this year’s RSO Week, the students were given the opportunity to learn and give back to our community with two particular events, hosted by Enderun Zonta and Culinaire.
Bayong Kalinga by Enderun Zonta
Bayong Kalinga is a fundraising project led by Enderun Zonta to help their beneficiary, Elsie Gaches, a small village located in Muntinlupa City that is run by sisters that help the disabled and the abandoned. Elsie Gaches Village is the Philippines’ largest home for providing care and rehabilitation services for children with developmental disorders. Enderun Zonta put this project together to give aid and support to Elsie Gaches as well as showcase local crafts being made which are all the items showcased in the package. Zonta collaborated with a few local women business owners namely Tita Alice, C’s Bakery Cookies by Noella Cuevo, and Wishful Works Co. by Tish De la Fuente, our very own Enderun students.
Enderun Zonta offers 4 different packages ranging from 1,200 to 1,250 pesos. Named after empowering Filipino women, they have the M. Aquino, J. Escoda, G. Silang, and T. Magbanua packages.
M. Aquino bayong– a bag, small light’s out candle, and 6 pieces white chocolate macadamia cookies.
J. Escoda bayong – a bag, small fresh and blooming candle, and 6 pieces white chocolate macadamia cookies.
G. Silang bayong – a bag, a large light’s out candle, and 6 pieces of classic chocolate chip cookies.
T. Magbanua bayong – a bag, large fresh and blooming candle, and 6 pieces of classic chocolate chip cookies.
Cake 101 by Culinaire
This was an event hosted by Culinaire featuring Chef Valeri Valeriano and Chef Christina Ong, the founders of Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes. In the first part of the event, the chefs shared their journey towards creating their business and how they went from working different jobs such as being a waitress, barista, a nursery school assistant to where they are right now. Their journey started with “Sunflower and Ladybug” which was a video tutorial. The chefs told the students that they were not experienced and were completely clueless on how to bake and they didn’t have baking books so they tuned in to YouTube University. From making sunflower cupcakes, they moved to roses and made a cupcake bouquet. Eventually they decided to start a business and a Facebook page entitled “Queen of Hearts Specialty Cupcakes, Edible Bouquets and more”.
Their big break was when they were given a chance to showcase their talent at the Cake International Show in London back in 2012. It was their first ever live demonstration in front of so many people. The chefs mentioned that they did installations such as a 4ft cake, 6ft cake, 8ft cake, and now they are hoping to do a 10ft cake in the future. Their different signature techniques were stained glass art, imprinting techniques, beadwork piping, and palette knife painting. Teaching at the Victoria & Albert Museum was one of the highlights of their career as they were the only cake decorators invited to have a class there. The museum commissioned the chefs to do a class for Shakespeare’s 450th birthday. They also write books, in fact they take pride in all of their four books entitled The Contemporary Buttercream Bible, 100 Buttercream Flowers, Buttercream One-Tier Wonders, and Buttercream Flowers for all seasons. The chefs also shared a tip for our students where they have to dream BIG, Innovate, Practice, and Practice MORE.
The second part of the event was a live demonstration on how to do flower pipe for the students to follow and answer questions. The chefs taught the students how to pipe five different flowers namely a rose, camelia, hydrangeas, daisy, and of course a sunflower. Culinaire also provided the opportunity to win five passes for Cake Fiesta Manila, the biggest international cake show in Asia to our students. The mechanics to apply will be posted on their Instagram account.
RSO week was a much needed, fun and insightful break for our students. As Nicole Chua said, “Acad is Life but Org is Lifer”.