EES LinkedIn Series: Expanding Your Network

Graphics by Pearl Baylas

Are you stressing over job applications? Perhaps you’re worried about how you’re going to build just the right resume to land your dream job? To be fully prepared and ready for the following can be hard to attain, especially with little to no guidance. It’s important to think about how we’re going to go about such as early as now, given that as students, we have time to build on our experiences and explore certain things we might enjoy in the future. Timely enough, over the past two months of September and October, Enderun Entrepreneurs Society, in collaboration with Enderun Office of Career Services, was generous enough to host a free three-day event highlighting the usage of LinkedIn and its importance to our future work lives. The LinkedIn Series featured three inspiring speakers, detailing the do’s and don’ts of building your portfolio and leading one’s professional life online.


To start, Ms. Riza Rodero was invited to speak on how to properly present your LinkedIn profile to appeal to the Human Resources Department. She explained the importance of curating the right information to display on your account, and how greatly it affects your reputation in the recruitment process. The usage of LinkedIn is no joke, and it should be treated with the acknowledgement that higher ups will be viewing the data you upload on the site with respect to your professional background. Ms. Rodero also spoke about the impact of showing your character. Being kind and letting the recruiter see your true self shine through your LinkedIn page and in the way you communicate with them helps you stand out from the crowd.


Moving forward to the second day of the series, Mr. Adrian Pantonial was given the floor to discuss a couple tips on writing a curriculum vitae, as well as how to properly connect with businesses online. As students, we should realize the importance of building our resumes as we learn. Engaging in activities in order to gain experience that may further benefit us in the future can be of great help when it comes to job applications. He also emphasized that keeping your resumes concise and straight to the point, so long as it includes all the information needed, should be taken note of by the audience. Recruiters normally browse through them, so being prepared and customizing your CVs in relation to the job you are applying for is a must.


Finally, on the third and last day of the event, Ms. Alex Martinet tied the whole series together through her talk on how to enhance one’s LinkedIn profile to catch the attention of recruiters. She also spoke about the importance of expanding your network, no matter the social media platform. Connecting with others can truly help you in the long run in your career journey, so don’t be afraid to reach out as you never know the amazing opportunities that may come along the way. It all starts with how you build your qualifications and your image in the media, which is why this whole three-day LinkedIn series is so important for students to hear about.

The past three days of this career-ready workshop has been nothing but informative and a source of great guidance to us Titans. It goes to show that no matter the age or status in life, it is never too early or too late to try and improve on your professionalism. Every event, every task you may take interest in, and every opportunity you come across- take them with the knowledge that doing so could lead you to something greater in the future, that it may improve your skills for the better. Taking the time to work on your needs on the application process will aid you in your growth as a professional in your chosen field, and the learnings given through the EES LinkedIn Series should be taken note of by everyone.

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