Professor’s Wisdom: IHM Department

A professor is defined as someone who has mastered their field of study and is now teaching in colleges or universities. For this article, two professors will be sharing their wisdom. If you want to advance in the IHM (International Hotel and Management) industry, it is time to take down notes from these accomplished professors.
Ms. Janine Josef has been teaching in Enderun since 2019. She teaches the subjects: Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Marketing, Professional Salesmanship and Professional Development in Applied Ethics.
Before teaching in Enderun, she started her career journey in the Hotel Industry as a Sales Manager for Events. She then worked as a Sales Manager in San Miguel Corporation. Afterwards, she became an Area Sales Manager for a different company. In the process, she gained managerial and negotiation skills.
If there is a skill or value she always keeps in mind, it is discipline. Her perseverance and passion made her into a woman with high endurance. She says that discipline is a combination of accountability and grit. If you want to advance in your career and in life, you must practice this.
She is incredibly proud of her students. She sees them as the highlight of her teaching career. As she teaches the younger generation, she reminds her students that in the IHM industry, you will need discipline because there are no excuses in the real world. Ms. Janine has only been late once in school and never again because she embodies discipline.
She would like to tell her younger self to become more compassionate and empathetic because her field of work requires grit. “There is so much drive in you, but it may make you forget to be compassionate.” is what she believes.
She aims to challenge herself in whatever task comes her way. For those reading this during exam season, Ms. Janine says to enjoy life while being responsible. Dwell on work on weekdays and party on rest days. Do things that benefit you. Once you recognise that such choices are helping you, move forward with hope. If you want to be good at something, do not be complacent. If you are feeling complacent, you are not challenging yourself enough.
In conclusion, helping your future self comes in handy. In the IHM industry, we mustn’t stay self-approving 24/7. Instead, we should encourage ourselves to find that heartfelt desire to want to do better each and every day with joy
Moving forward, we introduce a teacher who can supply you with the knowledge you need in the IHM industry.
Sir Frank Shrope is an Enderun teacher that teaches Supply Chain Management. It is his 2nd semester in Enderun as an educator. Before that, he took up his degree in “Supply Chain Management” at Arizona State University and received his MBA (Master of Business Administration) at AIM (Asian Institute of Management).
The industry he worked his career on was the Alcohol Industry. Sir Frank used to be the distributor for Luisita Rum based in Tarlac. He has also taught a few certificate classes at AIM.
When we talk about Sir Frank’s favorite thing about his job, he recalls the little smile and nods of understanding the students do as they take up his classes. He says that his students are his pride and joy as an educator. He loves how his students start to understand the many facets of Supply Chain Management. He would advise his students to try and develop critical thinking skills and become a problem solver as he prepares them for the real world.
He states that as they look beyond the problem, they will become a distinguished leader in any industry. He reminds us that in life, there is always something deeper with the “why” behind an issue. To learn how to solve such problems with ease and pure passion is the key to being a successful student, manager, and person in general.
Patience is the word he lives by. He wishes that his younger self would have been more dynamic and not jump into things too fast. In the present, he wants people to smile because it is a factor that helps a person find joy. You may start to feel happy for yourself when you try to smile for yourself in the first place. Sir Frank embodies what a problem solver should be like. He has a joyful demeanor and thinks of solutions on the go. Afterall, it is harder to do critical thinking angrily.
In work settings, he believes that attention to detail is a needed skill. Sir Frank notices the little details and catches up on such very easily. He would expect those in his industry would be careful and mindful of anything and everything especially in the IHM industry. Since people or customers come in with high expectancy, we must deliver even beyond such expectations.
In conclusion, Sir Frank reminds us to smile and find joy in developing new problem solving skills in order to meet up to the expectations the industry demands of us today. If we want to move further in our career, joy and passion will drive us to that point. However, smile for yourself and not just the client. You cannot discover new solutions if you do not prioritize your joy as well. The IHM industry needs us to become pioneers of new discoveries with the eyes of eagerness for more.