ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education
The Department of Saemaul Studies and Economic Development launched its new project, the Saemaul Undong Women’s Community at Barangay San Roque, San Pedro Laguna. This project was made possible through the help of DSSED...
When she speaks from another building, there’s no mistaking you’ll recognize her voice. Whether you loved her as a professor or dreaded her because you weren’t in your proper uniform, your Enderun experience wouldn’t...
by Sonny Alfonso with Dannah Cuizon and Mae Deveza Salmon, INK It was certainly a moment of triumph winning first runner-up in the WCSA Volleyball League, but it cost the Titan Ladies three...
by Sonny Alfonso, INK This final game against PWU for the WCSA championship was laced from beginning to end with an optimistic dynamism and unstoppable self-confidence. It began with a slow first quarter, broken...
by Sonny Alfonso, INK “We are making progress on accreditation and that is of ultimate importance and very critical for our institution. Thanks for the effort and personal sacrifice.” Jack Tuason, Co-Founder and Member...
by Sonny Alfonso, INK Women’s basketball can be as aggressive as men’s, especially if both teams are determined to win. The March 26 game between the Titans and PWU, their second game for...
Ayisha Care Villaflor with Sonny Alfonso, INK 12 March UA&P Stadium –Enderun Titans are leading the way to WCSA and MNCAA Futsal championships, defeating San Beda Alabang and CEU Scorpions in futsal! Lady Titans...
Celine Rheinelle Allarey, INK It is not everyday that we take a step back from the ‘busyness’ of life and pause for a well-deserved break, especially here in Metro Manila. Nor do we always...
John Santeo Tamayo, INK February 13, 2017, Valentine’s eve – ENACT opened a conversation with United States Embassy Economic Officer Pete Davis on the “relationship status of the Philippines and the US.” ENACT is...
John Santeo Tamayo, INK Business leaders say the youth are next in line. When is the best time to train them to be the leaders of the industries they will eventually join and run?...