Leading the Way

The 2010-2011 Student Government of Enderun Colleges. Photo by Thea de Leon.
In the forefront of nurturing leaders are individuals with varied backgrounds. They tell Ink how, through their initiatives, they are driven in contributing to the growth of the Enderun community.
The student government embodies the voice of the student population. In a growing school like ours, addressing students’ needs is a key component to the development of the academe. For upholding continuous improvement, that is. It is the responsibility of the student union to relay these needs to the faculty and the management. They play an important role to bridge and unite the community.
Another task of the student government is to help improve the campus life through the creation of viable and effective student services. The goal is to work closely with the faculty and administrators to enhance Enderun’s educational landscape. These steps are realized through the help of the Office of Student Services and the elected Batch Representatives.
The new batch of student leaders emphasizes the value of leadership. They initiate various programs to nurture student potentials to become leaders in the campus and eventually, leaders in our own fields. As the school prepares the students to lead in the demanding hospitality industry and the very finest of global business enterprise, the government aims to cultivate the values needed and apply them to realistic situations everyday.
These individuals are not only the fuel that set the wheels in motion but are catalysts in ensuring that students learn the foundations of leadership beyond the four corners of the classrooms. The fresh set of officers is driven. They aim high. Their objective is to contribute to the dynamism of the growing Enderun community. Senior student Vincent Flores heads the team as the president of the council. The internal vice president, responsible for overseeing student organizations and addressing student concerns, is Mina Maruyama. Jam Tatco serves as the external vice president. Former secretary, Kat Alcantara, now manages the finances. The young Samantha Jumchai presides as the government secretary. Besides the common thread of leadership, these individuals have been active in participating and volunteering in school and off campus activities. The best fact is that they also seem to enjoy in what they do.
The latest initiative of the government is the Enderun Growth Plan, a rigorous development map for student organizations. It was created to asses the position and potentials of the diversified groups. The plan aims to increase student involvement and ensure the growth of organizations. “It is important for the org leadership to develop a clear, personal idea of how they want to develop the org or the vision will be lost,” shares the Vincent Flores.
For the full interview, read our issue online.