RSO Guide: Drinks and Desserts

RSO Guide - Drinks and Desserts

Photos courtesy of Enderun Patisserie Association

Formerly known as Drinks and Desserts, Enderun Patisserie Association or EPA, is a playground for all the pastry and beverage aficionados to showcase their skills and talents. It also serves as a medium to all the people who are interested in acquiring more knowledge in these two particular subjects. The organization has simple goals of making a change in our society and producing experts in these two fields.

MEMBERSHIP FEE: P500 for new members and P250 for continuing members

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Dolly Menghani

Dolly Menghani is the President of Drinks and Desserts. Writing is her haven. It is her safety-zone. It makes her feel alive because she knows no matter what her race, religion or age, no one can judge her. It's only with words that she can truly express a certain emotion or experience. Think about it -- in the movie "the notebook"; if Noah never wrote about his romantic love story with allie how would he have remembered telling her their story everyday?

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