ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education


Zonta, the Definition of Feminism

It’s insane to have to mold yourself into a standard of physical and social attributes, even more so for women. The past created impossible standards for them to fulfill, like to never outshine a man’s success. The double-standard for men and women is still very evident in today’s society, and it needs to be not only addressed but dealt with.


Something I Wish I Knew Before Part 2: Starting a Business [Teacher’s Edition]

Beyond the awe-inducing label of ‘CEO’, and the pride that comes with being able to call yourself an entrepreneur, most of us are aware of the potential challenges and uncertainties that come with establishing a business. Knowing this, the next thing you could ask yourself is, “What key concepts or ideas should I be aware of before wanting to start my own business?”


How We Can Learn From Hard Truths

There are truths in life that are hard to accept. These facts most often attribute to your growth and progress. In my early years, I was lost and kept searching for a place where I will feel most alive. Just like many coming-of-age stories, I did stupid things that brought me to such bad places of insecurity and anxiety. Along the way, I built myself up again and learned some of these hard truths that I think everyone should know about as early as they can.


Acad is Life But Org is Lifer: Learning Beyond the Walls of the Classroom

As a young student, our parents always reminded us to study hard so we can have a decent job to support ourselves in the future. It is always, “focus on your studies”, “don’t go out too much”, “finish your homework first”, or “study first before relationships”. Excelling in our academics is expected and prioritized among others.