ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education


Tabi-Tabi Po! : A Review on the Filipino Komik Series, Trese

It’s no secret that there’s great passion and love for art in the Philippines. From painting, carving, dancing, singing, film, and many more- for a great deal of such, we Filipinos have integrated our culture into our craft. It’s a very important part of us, and each practice and belief is held dearly by many.


Go-To Filipino Treats to Enjoy this Summer

Summer is upon us: blazing heat, humid air, and the roasting breeze from the fan. One might cool down with their air-conditioning on 24/7, or (if you’re like me) simply succumb to the heat exhaustion and embrace dormancy. Everyday under this heat, we are all looking for ways to chill out.


A Day in Their Shoes: Enderun Athletes Edition

Since the pandemic’s start, one of the biggest social gatherings that has been canceled are sports events. From basketball to futsal to volleyball, it has been months since our Enderun athletes have been able to step on the court and do what they love most.


Ms. Divine Shares That Enderun is More Than an Institution

Enderun Colleges has been through so much in less than two decades of being established. If someone looks closely enough, they would find a number of supportive and loyal members of the staff and faculty. A mini-series of articles featuring the Enderun Employees could give everyone a glimpse of what is like being part of the community.


Found You: Alumni Love Stories

>A lot of people might believe that entering college is just a stepping stone for their career – a critical stage in our lives where we get to encounter various things. Due to the serious environment, we often forget that this is also the stage where we get to meet new friends, build new memories, have numerous “chikahan” sessions, laugh and cry during exam seasons, and of course, where we find love.


TITAN RSO Encourage Students to Follow Their Passion

School is about far more than just academics. We have a life outside of the classroom, as much as we want to succeed academically. We each have our passions, and our school never fails to support us in reaching our goals. Our school offers a variety of learning opportunities, including webinars, the best internships, and, of course, student organizations.


Melody of dreams: Our Musically Creative Titans

In the global pandemic and lockdown, music played a big role in giving us something positive to look forward to. Albums were dropping everywhere starting from ‘Chromatica’ by Lady Gaga, ‘Folklore’ by Taylor Swift, ‘Future Nostalgia’ by Dua Lipa, and ‘After Hours’ by The Weeknd to name a few. Not to mention how trends arised from Tiktok that involves captivating music and sure LSS like “Did the full 180” to “but now, there’s nowhere to hide” to “pamparampampam…” and many more phrases that certainly trigger our brain to sing and groove.