ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education

World Week 2013 0

World Week 2013

Every year Enderun marks one week of its calendar to celebrate the different cultures of the world. This year, the school went the extra mile by expanding the annual Asian Week to World Week....

Chinese Spring Festival 2013 0

Chinese Spring Festival 2013

On Feb. 1, 2013, just a week ahead of the lunar new year, Enderun capped off its World Week celebrations by hosting a traditional Chinese dinner. Held at the banquets tent, Cultura and the...

Battle of the Bands 2012 0

Battle of the Bands 2012

For the second time, Enderun Colleges held a Battle of the Bands competition, last October 5, 2012. Organized by Banquets class students under Mrs. Ruth von Siebenthal-Hung, the event was a required activity of...

Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving 0

Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving

Enderun embraces diversity. With its growing multicultural community, the school wants to promote cultural awareness to its students. Cultura, the school’s biggest organization, does just that. One of the ways to promote the different...

Reaching Out 0

Reaching Out

Last September 8, 2012, Enderun’s Relief Efforts and Charities (R.E.A.C.H.), went to UP Diliman to participate in AIESEC UPD’s event, Juan Youth. What exactly is Juan Youth? According to their Facebook page, Juan Youth...