ENDERUN COLLEGES Redefining Higher Education

Miting de Avance 0

Miting de Avance

Enderun politics was at its height last Friday night during the Miting de Avance, which was held at the cafeteria. This event was said to be a “Consensus with Justice”, wherein candidates running for...

Parlez-Vous Francais 0

Parlez-Vous Francais?

Many people today feel strongly about travel and cultural diversity. Many of us dream to experience the luxury of first-hand experience of a different culture. France in particular is one of the most lively...

RSO Guide - Ink Enderun 0

RSO Guide: Ink Enderun

Words are the most powerful tool any man can use. A simple word could make someone smile; it can make or resolve arguments and it can also change the course of the world. The...

RSO Guide - Soundcast 0

RSO Guide: Soundcast

Formally a branch under B.E.A.T (Band of Enderun Artists and Talents), SoundCast is Enderun’s official glee club composed of some of the school’s most talented vocalists. Marlo, the president, believes that singing can be...

RSO Guide - Alter Eco 0

RSO Guide: Alter Eco

The presence of environmental concerns has been more evident than before. People are even more proactive, as they are more educated regarding these matters. It is no surprise that Enderun Colleges has its own...